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Friday, September 23, 2011

Banned Books Week Hop Giveaway!

Banned Books Week is Hosted by these lovely ladies:
Jen at I Read Banned Books & Kathy at I Am A Reader Not A Writer.

I feel very strongly about this issue so obviously I would want to participate. And, sometime this week Jen is going to guest post here to tell us a little bit more about Banned Books Week so we can get some more facts. Cool, right? So, you won't wanna miss that.

Now! For the best part. I will be giving away several brand spankin' new hardcover copies of The Marbury Lens by Andrew Smith and a gorgeous SIGNED copy of Shine by Lauren Myracle Yaay! So, Check it.
1. One entry per person.

2. You must be 13 or older.

3. Giveaway is International.
4. Contest ends at 11:59 p.m. on October 1st.
ENTER HERE! <------
And don't forget to visit all of the other blogs that are participating!
Happy Blog Hopping!


  1. It wouldn't be fair for me to enter, but I'll tweet it from the rooftops (of the internet).

  2. You are all GEMS for doing this. So, so important!

    Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse

  3. GREAT choice of giveaway! We both TML!


  4. Matt - Thanks so much! You're a doll for doing so.

    Angela - I agree, it is important! :)

    Jen - Great minds think alike, right?!

  5. Absolutely stellar giveaway! Great book choice!

    You've just found a new follower and are my newest, most favourtie-est blog :D

  6. Hey, thanks! I abso adore new followers. So, that means that now you are my newest, most favourit-est follower! Ha! :D

  7. Ciao Cara!!
    stopping by AGAIN
    oooh! and Silver is a new follower!welcome to the stalking/follower/group !

  8. Thank you for this amazingly generous giveaway:)

    Sarah Bibi Setar
