Top 10: A Week of Looking Back….
………and Looking Forward.
The topic today is: Top 10 Book Characters in 2011
Eccentric Female Characters
*my list is in no particular order*
1. Izzy -
Crazy by Amy Reed
"Erratic & Self destructive"
"You can't just fucking disappear like this. You're not this selfish. This isn't you. You're the girl who gets a room full of kids to think about art. You're the girl who stops the car so you can pick up litter on the side of the road. Remember that time this summer when those mean girls were picking on that little girl with glasses, and how you made them stop and think about it and apologize, and that girl looked at you like you were a fucking angel, like you saved her life? That's you Isobel. Not this girl who disappears."
“Ruby’s stories didn’t have morals. They meant one thing in the light and one thing in the dark and another thing entirely when she was wearing sunglasses.”
“How can I remember a world that isn't mine? One that isn't the one I wake up in every day now?”
4. Celeste Lazar -
Frost by Marianna Baer
“You realize that you're asking me to go against my true nature? It's like asking a vampire to be a phlebotomist and not drink from the vials.”
“I remember. All of it. And it hurts. More than I'd ever thought possible.
I know where I am and what I've done and why I can't move or speak or open my eyes. And I'm scared.
It was all a terrible mistake.
I'd like not to be here. I'd like to go home now.
“But what if the monsters come?"
"Fancy." Kit looked away from the drama to stare at her sister, surprised. "We are the monsters.”
Singer. Rhythm guitarist. Rock starlette wannabe. Supreme Awesomeness.
9. Olivia -
Clean by Amy Reed
“What if I'm so broken I can never do something as basic as feed myself? Do you realize how twisted that is? It amazes me sometimes that humans still exist. We're just animals, after all. And how can an animal get so removed from nature that it loses the instinct to keep itself alive?”
“You can be as happy as you've ever been in your life, and shit is still going to happen. But it doesn't just happen. It knocks you sideways and crashes you into the ground, because you were stupid enough to believe in sunshine and roses.”
I hope you enjoyed my list. If you made one of your own, don't forget to leave a link in the comment section so I can check it out.
Come back tomorrow for the next topic in the Top 10 of 2011 event.
We'll be discussing: Top 10 Books I'm looking forward to in 2012.
Happy Reading!