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Saturday, March 9, 2013

Blog Tour + Giveaway - IMMUNE (Rylee Adamson, #2) by Shannon Mayer


Title: Immune: A Sexy Urban Fantasy Mystery (Rylee Adamson, #2)
Author: Shannon Mayer
Pub. Date: March 6, 2013
Publisher: HiJinks Ink LTD
Pages: 183
Find it: Amazon & Goodreads
Genre: Adult - Urban Fantasy

When children go missing without a trace, there is only one person who can find them.

Welcome to the world of Rylee Adamson, a woman with unique abilities, some wild friends and an unstoppable drive to save those who can't save themselves.

But when the details of a missing child duplicate that of her worst case, things start to get freaky. And not in a good way.

*Warning* I’m so sorry Mom; this one will be no good for you to read either. There is a full on sex scene (nipples and everything), violence and well, lots of bad words. You know— the ones you used to wash my mouth out with soap for? Consider yourself warned.

Reading and writing from a very young age I learned early on that stories built in a fantasy world were where the fun was at. Reading books by Robert Jordan spurred me on and it was the first real epic fantasy that I fell in love with. Then came Piers Anthony, Melanie Rawn and into my older teen years, Anne Rice.

Shannon Mayer lives in the southwestern tip of Canada with her husband, dog, cats, horse, and cows.

When not writing she spends her time staring at immense amounts of rain, herding old people (similar to herding cats) and attempting to stay out of trouble.

Especially that last is difficult for her.

Find Shannon here:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I haven't seen this before. I will have to check out the series. Thanks for sharing it.

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever

  2. This is a new to me author/series too. Sounds good.
