Title: First Kiss (Heavy Influence Trilogy, #1)
Author: Ann Marie Frohoff
Pub. Date: June 11, 2013
Pages: 483
Genre: Young Adult Contemporary
It was all about the band, until the girl next door. Her innocence is tempting.
A sexually charged coming of age story set in the throes of stardom.About an up and coming teenage rocker on the verge of stardom, when the girl next door becomes something more, they are forced to face the harsh realities on his road to fame and the expectations of their friends and family.
Sacrifices are made as everything changes, as they know it.
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FIRST KISS signed First Edition print copies (5), Original Soundtrack & Signed ARC
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Amy!!! This looks awesome! So clean and pretty! Thank you soooo sooo much! You're the most amazing PR gal ever! I could not do this without you!! :)