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Monday, October 5, 2015

Meet Me!

Hi my name is Tiffany :) I'm so excited to say that I am the new reviewer for Amy, here on Lady Readers Bookstuff.  That would be me just up there.  Not the little blonde (that's my darling daughter), but the bigger blonde one.  Yes, I am wearing a tiara.  It was my birthday weekend and I wore that thing as much as I could, because honestly who doesn't love a good tiara wearing here and there.  I will try and be the best reviewer possible here on Lady Reader.  If there is something you would like to see from me just let me know.

About Me

  I have been a blogger since 2012 (it's actually almost 4 now), and have loved the experience.  It's not just the reading, it's the environment and the people you meet that share a common love: books.  I have been reading for as long as I can remember, but my... lets says obsession started about six years ago.  I am not ashamed to say that Twilight rekindled my love for reading.  Not that I didn't read but more I went from a few books a year to a few books a week.

  My reading habits are super diverse.  I can't really think of any genre that I stay away from, though I am picky when it come to science fiction reads.  Rather than when I have requests of have requested things from publishers, I basically read whatever I feel like with no particular pattern.  Like everyone I go through slumps, and get book hangovers that sometimes cause slumps.  For the most part though I just keep picking things up until I'm back in full swing.

  Beyond reading I am a mom, a girlfriend, a dog lover and a gypsy at heart.  I can't sit still for very long and love to go places (probably why I love reading).  I am that basic I guess because I can't really think of anything else to say about me...  I guess we'll move on to some of my fav reads!!

My Favs

  So this is always ALWAYS a touchy subject for me.  Honestly I feel picking a favourite book is like picking a favourite child (okay I only have 1 kid but you get what I'm saying).  However, I do have books and authors that I can't help but love.  The list below in no particular order, I just put my tops there for everyone to see.
  You'll often find that my favs are from Indie authors.  It's not that I don't love traditionally published books, it's just that I know that they get a lot of attention and many of the books I spotlight just flat out deserve it.  So, this will be a mix up but always expect to see great Indie authors when you ask what I love!

  Mermaids (as an FYI: I am a mermaid fanatic)

Honourable mentions (because I LOVE these ones too):
The Sea Monster Memoirs series by Karen Hooper (anything by Karen actually)

Mythology (right up there with Mermaids)

 The Summer Solstice Series by K.K. Allen: Recently ROCKED my world!!

Honourable Mentions:


Honourable mention:



Honourable mention:

Romance (Adult/New Adult)

P.J Stone Gates Trilogy by D.T. Dyllin  (Anything by this author really)

Honourable mention:


Honourable mention:

That's a lot to take in I know, but trust me when I say that is the condensed version.  Honestly if I posted the books that I loved... All of them... Well you would be here for a long time or wouldn't have made it this far :(  I look forward to chatting with all of you and please don't hesitate to say hi!

You can also find me in these places:

I look forward to talking and reviewing for all of you!!! 

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